In writing we had a mini lesson about composing a series of short poems on a single theme. I shared my poems about things I observed while kayaking. Students went away from my mini lesson to make a list of subjects they might tackle in poetry. Next they chose one topic and put down a series of words or phrases that went with that subject. These were the nucleus of the series of poems. I was impressed with how quickly and eagerly they got on with the project. Later in the session we had poems being read to each other on subjects as diverse as paintball shoots; flutes; pitching; shark fishing; touring St Petersburg, Russia etc. These polished up were word processed and on display at "Poetry in the Park." Below are some of my poems that got us started. I'm slowly posting poems by each student on a separate page of this blog. The link is at the top.
Kingfisher Noticed, But Not By All
Sighted my first kingfisher.
Well, heard it first.
Flew from sailboat mast
Perched on bayside locust branch
Briefly, then
Flew back.
A blue heron nearby
Didn’t look up.
Two big powerboats
Roar past far off.
Many minutes later
Their wake in triple waves approaches
Just in time
I remember to turn into them.
Splashes over bow
Wet this notebook.
Dock Information (alt titles: Dock Signs or Reading Docks)
Caution: manatee zone
Key West boatworks
Johnson outboard motors, inc.
Pro-Lift 800-521 3118
The kingfisher
Following me
Sighted small beach
between mangrove sprawl
I glide in
Step ashore
Claim “South Shore Park
City of St Petersburg”
Columbus didn’t get
A welcome sign or bench.
Lemon slice of a kayak
Sit in,
not on.
Yellow and black color coordinated
Paddles, life jacket
Fishing pole tube too.
Yard sale find
Paddle alone, retail
More than I spent.
Dive, Float, Walk-on Water, Fly
Orange beaked cormorant
Surfaced just off bow.
Didn’t notice him dive.
Saw his walk-on water take—off though.
What Do Pelicans Know?
Sleepy pelican
On “Idle Speed/No Wake Zone” piling
Flies off at my approach
As if I could really grab him
Or want to.
But what does a pelican
Know about how long kayak paddles
Can extend?
After I pass, he circles back, lands
And continues napping.