No homework tonight, but they have already copied down what's to be done for Tuesday evening. Please find a few moments this week to discuss and reflect on world population issues.
We continue our study of the origins of the 13 colonies with several chapters (one each day) on the Massachusetts colony at Plymouth. Students will assemble a study guide as we did for Jamestown, Virginia. Each chapters key points will be noted, as well as, a personal response, theme sentence and interesting words explained.
The Revere poem stanza that begins with " A hurry of hoofs...." is to be memorized by Friday.
In writing we had a mini lesson about composing a series of short poems on a single theme. I shared my poems about things I observed while kayaking. Students went away from my mini lesson to make a list of subjects they might tackle in poetry. Next they chose one topic and put down a series of words or phrases that went with that subject. These were the nucleus of the series of poems. I was impressed with how quickly and eagerly they got on with the project. Later in the session we had poems being read to each other on subjects as diverse as paintball shoots; flutes; pitching; shark fishing; touring St Petersburg, Russia etc. These polished up will be illustrated, word processed and up for display at "Poetry in the Park."
Thursday is our vocabulary test on words from Edward Tulane and spelling list on words frequently confused. See previous post about those.
We wrap up Math Unit 4 this week which is all about decimals. The assessment is Friday.
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