
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Linked In to Relay for Life

Each link cost 50 cents and we raised a lot of money for Relay. Our chain will be linked to others and part of the Relay for Life decorations all day and night.

Sun Smarter

We were treated to a lively, prop-filled presentation on how to be sun safe and smart. I learned that my habit of wearing white colored long sleeve shirts to the beach was a mistake....UV rays are better blocked from wearing dark cover-ups.

Teacher Really Appreciated

Recycling for Earth Day Project

We're saving all sorts of bottle tops and other items to use in our Earth Day project to design and make a playable/artistic backgammon set all from recycled materials.

Here are some guidelines for the project:

---categories are 1. "I made it all by myself" and 2. "this was a family project."

---it must be playable and, if possible, close up just like real backgammon games

---these are games to be treasured for ever or used for this project and then recycled

---work from a plan which might include: design concept, what are the materials needed, color scheme, theme (if any)

---in the past, we've had creative, playable sets from pizza boxes and other packaging (shoe, cereal etc)

---even the dice have been made from recyclable materials.

Backgammon sets are to be finished and brought to school on (please not before) Earth Day Monday April 23rd.

More reminders later.

Science of Land Erosion Investigated

Teams busy running an experiment to run water through a model of the land and observe what happens. Over the course of this unit, we change one variable each time (the tilt of the bin, the volume of water etc) and observe the differences. Students write up their notes after each investigation.

GPS/Geocaching in Technology Class

Students paired up in Mrs. Baralt's Technology Lesson for practice using GPS devices to find a geocache box hidden around campus. Students above are waiting for their devices to register at least three satellites to start the hunt.

Inside the cache boxes each pair found a term that was the subject of a project to be done back in the lab. Ask a fourth grader for more information.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Break Backgammon Tournament Top Two

After five years of playing in tournaments I've organized against students I've introduced to the game....I finally won! Congratulations to Owen who came in second.

100 % Sun Safe Field Day

Our class poses after today's field day fun. We all wore sunscreen and hats as part of our campaign to be sun smart and safe.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Acting Workshop

Upper school students led our class through a series of acting warm-up activities. Including the ever-popular game "Why Were You Late to Work?"

Disaster Science

"Spotlight on Science" Week Two included parent led active investigations into the engineering of hurricane-resistant buildings; oil spills and cleaning bird victims; how tornadoes work.

It was mostly hands on active learning with some video and power point presentations as background.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cel Tower Technology Talk

Parent Mary Gruber explained how cel phones and towers work. It was another presentation in our two week long "Spotlight on Science" here at the Lower Division.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Our Eaglets

Coastal Erosion Presentation

Part of our "Spotlight on Science Weeks" was a presentation by two scientists from USGS on coastal/beach erosion issues. This model simulates what happens. Ask a fourth grader to explain.

Relay for Life Links

Jenna W and JW H help collect contributions daily for our part in the fund raiser Relay for Life. Each 50 cents gets one link to our chain which will be linked to all the other chains and decorate the track during the actual event. We already need more links.

Fifty Nifty Cakes

Hooray third grade on your fabulous show and states cake. Delicious.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sun Smart Teams

Here are our sun smart project teams at work. This project's goal is to help us and our school community be more aware of the need for protection from the sun. A series of fun and informative books using the ever popular "Little Miss/Mr. Men" format will be our product. Each book will address a particular aspect of being sun smart and teach a life lesson.

Here is the illustrating/design team meeting.

The writers are deciding which stories get done first.

Our researchers are busy finding definitions, facts, statistics and anything else useful to the illustrators and writers.