
Friday, April 26, 2013

Regata del Sol al Sol

Follow Kyle's Dad as he crews on the boat "Mango Latitudes" on the annual cross Gulf race to Mexico here. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ringling Trip Lunch Orders

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013, fourth grade will visit the Ringling Museum in Sarasota, FL for Celebrate the Arts. It is imperative that students arrive to school on time as we intend to leave campus by 8:30 and return before dismissal.

Students are permitted to bring music players such as iPods and MP3 players to listen to during the bus ride. The music players will be secured on the bus, but we cannot be responsible for any lost or damaged devices. Other devices that are able to play music but are not primarily intended to do so, such as Nintendo DS, will not be permitted. While some music players have other capabilities, they are only to be used for the sole purpose of listening to music. Students will also be able to bring a book to read during the bus ride to and from the museum. 

Since this is an all day trip, students will need to bring a sack lunch in a disposable bag. Otherwise, SAGE will be preparing sack lunches for those children who would like to purchase lunch on this day (Cost is $ 5.95). The lunch will include:

Sandwich or Wrap
Bag of chips
Fresh fruit
Tossed Salad
Bottle of water

Please sign and return this form by Tuesday, April 16, 2013. SAGE needs advanced notice as to how many lunches to prepare. The price of the lunch will be deducted from your account or you may write a check payable to SAGE Dining Services. Students with a semester or an annual meal plan will still need to complete this form so that we have them included in the final count of how many lunches will need to be prepared. Thank you for your assistance.

Child's name____________________________________________
                           (please print)

___________Yes, my child will need a sack lunch from SAGE

____________No, my child will be bringing a lunch from home

Parent/Guardian Signature

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Favorite Books Come Alive: Book Week

Pickling our Cucumbers

Carrots, Biscuits, Fractions, Cake and More

Multi-colored carrots

Pulling carrots in our colonial garden

Fractions made easy with pattern blocks

Fun with pattern blocks

Making "beaten biscuits"

Belated birthday cake.....the first ever Paul Revere's hat cake

Field that a Pirelli tire, Mario?