
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Events Leading to Revolution

Mr. Lee's fourth graders researched and created a comic book about the events leading up to the American War of Independence. The photo shows Josh S. explaining his page on the Stamp Act. Mr. Hughes fourth grade class listened and took notes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's Wearing of the Purple and Pink Week

Maxx M. proudly supports cancer awareness week here at Shorecrest. Today kicks off our campus hosting Relay for Life on Friday. Oh, and by the way, Maxx really is a "tough guy." He's a defenseman for the Flames ice hockey team.

Transparent Mirrors Teach Math Concepts

Sophia M and Gunther M use special transparent mirrors to explore key math concepts of symmetry, lines of reflection, tessellations and frieze patterns. The plastic devices will also be used to investigate negative numbers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Erosion: Our Science Topic for Real

Keen science student Nicklas B. noticed a perfect example of erosion just a few feet from our classroom. Here he helps his classmates observe a real example of what we have been simulating in our current Science unit on Land & Water. We're learning that the speed of water run-off creates different patterns and deposits.

Erosion is a serious problem in many parts of the world, such as Haiti, where people cut down the trees for firewood. The best soil then washes away during rains. The result farmers can't grow as much food and people go hungry.

(By the way, the cause of our run-off may be a cracked irrigation head. We'll alert the gardeners.)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Geography Club

Here are some scenes from Geography Club the Friday after school activity for 3rd and 4th graders that I offered these past two months.


Fourth graders created podcasts about an Olympic winter sport in Mrs. Baralt's Technology class. Working in pairs, students researched the history, rules and interesting facts about their sport. They then wrote a script with alternating parts for each to record. They took turns recording their voices or controlling the Garage Band program. What a decade ago was available only in full recording studios is now in the capable hands of our students. Stay tuned for the results. I will link to their podcasts when available.

Monday, March 8, 2010

International Women's Day

It's International Women's Day. (See the link to the right)

We have been discussing the role of women in various cultures in our Voices reading comprehension studies. Last night a woman made history at the Academy Awards. Kathryn Bigelow won the Oscar for Best Director.....the first time a female has won in this category. Her film "The Hurt Locker" won best picture. She beat out "Avatar" director James Cameron, her ex-husband, for both honors.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Swift Shorecrest Students

Shorecrest students made a good showing at last week's Track Meet.

Track Meet from Mr. Hughes on Vimeo.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Track Meet

Here comes Danny running the final leg of the boy's relay in the lead for Shorecrest.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Track Meet Reminders

Hello all. Just a few reminders and notes about tomorrow's track meet:

1. Students should wear their p.e. uniforms to school tomorrow. Please watch the weather! Students should dress in layers to accommodate changing temperatures. We will make sure students stop by the locker rooms today to gather their uniforms to bring home tonight.

2. You are welcome to attend the meet We will be leaving school at 8:15 and the meet begins at 9:00. If you are attending, we will see you there!

3. The buses are picking us up from the meet at 1:30. If you would like to take your student directly from the meet, you may do so. You must sign out your child with me in order to take him/her home early! I will have a sign out sheet and will be responsible for signing out all 4th grade students.

4. If you would like your child to go home from the meet with another parent, we MUST have a note from you. As is Shorecrest policy, we are unable to release students to other adults without a note.

5. Don't forget to pack your child a lunch. Those students who requested a Flik lunch will receive it at the meet. Also recall that while there is a concession stand, we will not allow students to purchase candy, chips and soda. Please help us maintain this expectation by not buying those items for your child if you are present. You support will be appreciated.

6. Again, students are not allowed to bring electronic devices.

We are very excited about tomorrow's meet! It will be a tremendous day. If you have any other questions, please email me.

Jill Lemon
LD, Grade 4
Shorecrest Preparatory School