Our Land & Water science unit is complete. Our last investigation was to run the same amount of water through the stream table bins (above) after grass and mustard plants have firmly rooted. The results were clear. The water sank into the soil instead of running off. The water when it did emerge was not muddy as it had been every other investigation. The roots of the plants held the soil in place and kept the moisture near the roots.
Besides water changing the land, humans do too. Evidence of this is just outside our classroom. Since our door is directly in line with a sidewalk leading to Guidance, the clinic, learning center etc., people over the past seven years have "beaten" a path of sorts down the berm. Evidence of this can be seen in how the soil is several inches shorter opposite our door than next door (see photo below). And the plant cover is well worn away too. People "cut" through our classroom to reach the hallway and beyond. We take this route to get wherever we are going all day.
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